Our founder, Christiaan Huynen, spoke at the European Packaging Design Association conference last Friday. The topic of the conference, set in Amsterdam, was suitably named; “What’s important in the design industry today?”
At DesignBro this is a topic close to our heart, as we believe that there is a need to re-imagine the Design Industry to avoid outside disruption or to become completely outmoded all-together over time.
This is why we launched our ‘no frills’ – high-quality design, for an acceptable price for Logo’s, Brand Identities, and Packaging Design. With DesignBro, we sought to innovate the industry, and push it to the next level.
See the presentation here

Besides having grown up in the design Industry, Christiaan has advised some of the world’s largest companies on their branding & packaging designs. Has been the resident judge for design awards, and has spoken at numerous global design & marketing events. Christiaan founded the London office of the award-winning Cartils agency, and has founded the DesignBro.com platform.