Tip 1: Keep an Eye On Timing
Design Stage
10 Days
You will begin receiving designs and will have the opportunity to provide feedback. Designers will have the chance to send updated versions. Make sure to pick your finalists by the end of this phase.
Finalist Stage
5 Days
Finalists will have the opportunity to improve upon their original designs. You should continue to provide feedback. By the end of this phase, you should have picked the winner.
Receive Files
3 Days
After their celebrating, the winning designer will have to send you the files associated with your logo by the end of this phase.
Approve Files
10 Days
You will have the opportunity to review the files that have been sent by the designer to ensure everything is in order.

Keep in mind that for a design project, you have to choose your finalists before the end of the design stage. You will receive a reminder email 2 days before your time is up, but it’s smart to keep an eye on it yourself. You can do this by navigating to your projects in progress. This will also let you know whether any designers have turned something in, or where exactly your project is in the process.
First thing’s first, take a look at the timing for your project to ensure everything goes according to plan.
We’ll remind you when you’re nearing the end of your time, but keeping it in mind can never hurt. After you’ve investigated how long you’ll have for each phase, we can delve into the tips and tricks!
Tip 2: Check Your Email
Make sure you check the email you used to sign up. This is where you will be getting those “all important” messages when a designer has uploaded a design or sent you a message. We’ll make sure you’re always in the loop.
Tip 3: Take a Look at Your Received Designs

Depending on the option you selected when purchasing your project, you’ll receive the designs from our hand-picked and experienced designers.
Click on the project and view which designs have already come in. Some empty spots may say “Waiting for Design” which means a designer has reserved the spot and is working on their design. To take a closer look at a design that has come in, you can simply click on it, or hover over the three dots at the upper right hand corner to press view.
Tip 4: Give Feedback

DesignBro allows you to speak directly to the designers to let them know how you feel about the design they’ve come up with. To do so, simply click on a design, and use the chat tool on the right side. Give them further guidance so your design is exactly how you imagined it would be.
They’ll be able to re-upload updated versions so you can make sure it’s progressing in the right way. The kind of advice that you give greatly influences the entirety of your project. It’s important to have a good relationship with designers and set the right tone. If you’re interested in learning more about how to give the right advice, visit our article on the subject here.
If you don’t have the time to give some advice, at least give designers a star rating to let them know how they are getting on. Below each designs in the project’s page, you will see the opportunity to rate the design using a five-star system. Simply click on the star you think they deserve. The sooner you give them some kind of indication of how they’re doing, the sooner they can work on improving it, plus rating the designs may help you better organize the designs that you prefer.
Tip 5: Ask a Designer
To Restore a Past Design
A designer can update their design numerous times. As a client, you can only see the latest version enlarged. However, you may want to go back to a previous version if you preferred that one to the latest. Simply use the chat tool to ask your designer to go back to a previous version, and they will take care of it.
Tip 6: Pick Your Finalists

Out of the designs you are presented with, you should pick up to three to be finalists. These will have extra time to perfect your design and, one of them, will be picked as the winner. Picking a finalist is as easy as one, two, three.
Pick out up to three designs that you like best, hover over the design, click on the three dots in the upper right hand corner, and click on “Select Finalist.” A screen will pop up asking for confirmation. Simply agree and, congratulations, you’ve picked a finalist!
You may also pick a finalist from the design view.
Picking a winner is done in exactly the same fashion.
Tip 7: Eliminate a Design

In the case that you receive a design that does not at all interest you and that you think cannot be improved, feel free to eliminate the design. Simply hover on the design, click on the three dots and choose “Eliminate Work.” Just like that, the design will be gone.
This is a permanent option and cannot be undone, so consider whether you are 100% sure. We cannot promise a new design, because this depends on time constraints and whether or not a designer picks it up. However, if another designer is interested and they feel they have the time to work on it, they can take over the spot. Keep in mind that you should avoid eliminating a design too close to the deadline as it may complicate having enough time to find another.
Tip 8: Block a Designer

If, for some reason, you’d like to stop receiving work from a certain designer, you can choose to block them. Hover over their design, and choose “Block Designer.” A confirmation window will come up asking if you are sure.
If you are, click yes and from then on, you will not receive work from this designer in any current or future projects. Keep in mind that this is a permanent action and cannot be undone.