There are no bonds in the world tighter than those built between family members. On the day where two loving hearts decide to commit to each other for the rest of their lives, weddings are considered by millions to be one of the most important and happiest days in life. However, before that day comes, both the groom and the bride will have to make thousands of tough decisions regarding all the small details of their future ceremony of love.
Fortunately, we live in a century of customer-focused services. Nowadays, the only dilemma that needs to be figured out is the choice of a wedding planner agency that will be responsible for making your wedding day unforgettable. While a newly engaged couple is busy googling the best wedding planners in town, there are also those on the other side of the spectrum — the planners.
How can an entrepreneur focusing on wedding services attract new clients?
At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how people find out about your business (google ad or word-of-mouth marketing). The first impression will, either way, be made by your logo. Your logo is going to be the best visual representation of your creativity, so be sure to perfect it to the best of your ability.
With this article, we hope that you will get some sources of inspiration and a couple of out-of-the-box ideas to help you in creating a flawless wedding logo.
Vintage Wedding Logo Designs
Engagement rituals are still more about traditions. White dress, parents’ blessing, wedding vows make people stand in awe as they become a part of a lasting legacy.
Adding a vintage style to your wedding logo can highlight the strong connection between the traditions of mankind and a newly born family. It also has the ability to express that the marriage will be successful and everlasting.
Vintage customized signs can carry a whiff of royalty as well. Communicate with your clients about the luxury that they may get from choosing your wedding service.
Modern Wedding Logos
What kind of bride doesn’t dream about feeling special and not being like all the other newlyweds on her wedding day? Couples from around the globe are searching for ways to personalize their wedding ceremony as much as possible to make it special them.
A logo design with a modern style can tell your clients that your goal is to make their memorable day unique. Taking traditional serif fonts and diligent scrolls off the table may be a risky move, however, it may also show things from an unexpected view.
Everybody likes to be trendy, and wedding event businesses are nothing different. Simple and flat icons (‘iconisation’), as well as bold fonts, are this year’s hot logo design trends. The mini logo will no longer be unnoticed and will actually produce the opposite effect! It can help emphasize the elegant, rather than the ostentatious style of the event.
Calligraphic Wedding Logos
The newest trend of using handwriting fonts (scripts) in logos comes from people’s great desire to personalize their business and show its closeness to the client as well as their appreciation of customers’ choices.
The calligraphic elements used when designing a wedding logo can add a bit of romanticism. This option will be best suited for companies that have to deal with any handmade decorations.
However, if the name of your brand has no proper letters to play with, you may try creating an eye-catching icon which will enhance the logo’s artistic appeal to your clients.
Don’t underestimate the importance of colors when using the calligraphic style in your wedding logo design. A simple black font can make your logo look a bit boring for such an event that focuses on love and romance, so don’t be afraid to experiment and search for the right colors and gradients.
Ornamental Wedding Logos
Nowadays, everything tends to be drawn back to nature. It’s not a secret that fall is a high season for weddings and that outdoor ceremonies have also become more and more popular.
Circle ornaments are usually synonymous with the sun as well as the circle of life. What else is a better symbol for a newly built family? Writing the name of a brand in circular shape may be a good idea if your business focuses on natural decorations, for example. Another interesting ornamental idea that you should consider is also a flower-shaped picture.
In the case of designing ornamental wedding logos, contrast and natural colors are highly recommended as it best resonates with the images of nature.
Illustrated Wedding Logos
What else can best explain the main point better and more clearly than a picture? We take photos when we want to capture the moment in our memory. As the years go by and we find ourselves sitting next to the fireplace and looking through old pictures, we would like to relive these emotions and share them with someone close to us.
The illustrated wedding logo can become a brief description of the love story the bride and groom share. You just need to choose the symbols that you like best, whether that would be swans, doves, or flowers, for example. Feel free to combine a couple of elements together such as, birds and heart-shaped twigs. The only thing to remember is to not go over the top with it; try to stick to a design that is pleasing to the eye.
Create a Wedding Logo of Your Dream
Whenever a person thinks of marriage, he or she probably would like it to last forever. No wonder the wedding vow has the words “till death do us part”. On such a special day, when two beloved ones dedicate their lives to each other, everything must flow right and all the smallest details must be carefully considered.
Wedding logos can either be a golden ticket or it could spoil everything. Therefore, it is essential not to trust someone who designs logos just as a personal hobby. Free logo-maker websites can offer your business an ill service since there is no guarantee that the sample you chose for your logo wasn’t used by someone else.
However, at DesignBro we have a trustworthy team of professionals whose aim is to help you create a logo design you have always dreamt off. With us as your partner, you can be sure that your wedding logo design is in good hands.

Besides having grown up in the design Industry, Christiaan has advised some of the world’s largest companies on their branding & packaging designs. Has been the resident judge for design awards, and has spoken at numerous global design & marketing events. Christiaan founded the London office of the award-winning Cartils agency, and has founded the platform.