According to spokesperson Nikki Lavoie, each division within the department will receive a new visual identity to compliment the DNREC logo within the next few months.
The Delaware Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Control unveiled a new logo earlier this week. Officials said the new logo projects the department’s history of dedication towards the protection of the natural environment.
Secretary Shawn M. Gavin said, “The new look is inspired by our mission to protect human health and the environment, how technology has changed the way we communicate with each other and the public, and how we endeavored to give everyone a voice in what we do.”
The Department of State’s Government Information Center, an in-house creative consultancy, gave DNREC their new visual identity.
The new visual identity of DNREC consists of a vibrant sun shining in the blue sky which evokes a sense of youthful energy and hope. The three counties in Delaware are represented by three poplar trees while the slight bow in the land represents Delaware’s low elevation. The sky, land and water – the key elements of the natural environment – are vividly represented in the logo.
The circular logo portrays unity of purpose while adding a sense of innocence. Blue represents calmness, wisdom, peace and depth while green portrays growth, balance and freshness.
Nikki Lavoie, DNREC spokesperson explained, “We really needed to modernize our look. The older logo no longer worked with some of our digital platforms. The new shape and the style of the logo works better in different channels and different spaces, but it’s important to remember behind the new-look we’re still the same organization and team dedicated to our shared mission to protect the natural environment.”
The core mission of DNREC is to protect, preserve and enhance Delaware’s environment for the future. DNREC is divided into several smaller divisions each absorbed in different parts of the mission. Each division within the department, according to Lavoie, will receive a fresh visual identity which will compliment DNREC’s new logo.
“DNREC has already updated its website and its social media networks with the refresh brand design. The content and print and other channels will transition to the new look over time. We have building signs, we have lots of directional signs and state parks and that sort of thing that have the current logo, and we’re not going to replace those overnight,” Lavoie informed.

Besides having grown up in the design Industry, Christiaan has advised some of the world’s largest companies on their branding & packaging designs. Has been the resident judge for design awards, and has spoken at numerous global design & marketing events. Christiaan founded the London office of the award-winning Cartils agency, and has founded the platform.