Logo design is an essential part of any architectural business. A unique architecture logo is what gives the business a visual identity that helps customers understand what it does as well as its motives.
On top of that, the visuals of an architectural business are also important for its perceived credibility. I mean, if you can’t design a great logo for your own brand, how will customers trust you with designing an actual building?
When it comes to creating such artistic designs, a designer will think of the best visuals that suit the company. Each element is designed accordingly to the brand’s specific industry, products, values, and personality. With their expertise in the field, graphic designers would oftentimes use their own inspirations and idea of what the logo should look like to create the perfect design for a company.
What makes a good architecture logo?
A good architecture logo is one that exudes confidence and is memorable to consumers. Simple, clean colors and solid shapes that give the impression of a sturdy building is the ideal attribute for an architectural business logo. However, you may also choose to incorporate some of the distinct shapes and outlines used in your past projects. By doing this, it can turn your logo into a little portfolio of yours.
It’s useful to keep in mind that any architectural elements can become a part of the logo. After all, designing buildings is an art form of its own. With that being said, consider including images of walls, arches, windows, doorways, chimneys or any other structural elements that would fit your logo design. Anything from pyramids to tents, arches, rooftops and vitrage windows can be of great inspiration when setting out to create an architecture design logo.
Furthermore, if your business’s region hosts some of the most iconic architectures, you should consider including it. However, some buildings will have a copyrighted shape that are not allowed to be used for commercial purposes. To use them, you should always contact the copyright holder for permission first.
Most importantly, a good architecture logo makes it immediately obvious to audiences that the company’s business focuses on designing buildings. Hence, there should be minimal text and the centerpiece should always be the image of a building or any structural piece.
If you’re looking for inspiration, here are a couple of examples that may serve as great references for your architecture logo design project.
The Best Architecture Logo Design Examples
1) Archstone Group
Advertising itself as “next-generation real estate service provider”, Archstone Group took its logo through several transformations since its original design (pictured above), most notably when it comes to color.
The structure in the logo is known as the “triumphal arch” and hails from ancient Rome, with the most famous one existing today being the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Note that actual triumphal arches are richly decorated with tiny details describing why they were built and when.However, for logos, it is always best to go for a simple, solid image that is easily recognizable, hence why this logo lacks in these details. Instead, it paints the bigger picture and still strongly communicates the essence of the architectural business.
2) Sculpt Logo Design
Here is another logo example for an architecture-related business. As you can see, the centerpiece of the logo is a transparent stylized gray parchment on a beige background. Despite the lack of primary colors, the logo is still easily discerned and the contrast between the shades of colors allow it to truly pop.
The shape of the logo incorporates the infinity symbol, the letter “S” and many more smaller details inside a rounded square. The eye follows the lines and finds many detailed elements to investigate, which makes the viewer curious and inspired. Note that this logo is color-neutral, meaning that it equally suits colorblind viewers just fine. This is definitely something to consider if you want to attract all types of audiences.
3) Math
The designer who was responsible for this logo design explains that it has incorporated letters from the owner’s name within it. Simultaneously, the shape designed on the right-hand side of the logo is supposed to showcase two adjacent buildings. They are supposed to represent a residential way of life where communities are formed in harmony, but also how humans can lean on each other.
Meanwhile, the name implies that without mathematics there will be no signs of advancement in the world. With a simple shape and a short lowercase word paired together, we learn about what the firm does and what the owner thinks about it through this logo.
4) Arch
This phenomenal cyan logo on black background takes the shape of the letter “A” and combines it with that of a simple type of shelter – a tent. The curved and shorter lines inside the symbol give the illusion of depth, but at the same time also symbolizes Earth. Therefore, this unique symbol helps convey the concept of building our own space to live in on this planet, which is what architectural businesses are all about.
The designer was kind enough to provide an alternative logo design to this, which is a white symbol on cyan background. This shows how flexible and adaptable the design can be for different purposes. Using these simple shapes and colors, the company that owns this logo is able to build its brand identity from scratch, making itself recognizable on the market.
5) Rendarch
This is a logo for an architectural visualization studio hailing all the way from Berlin, with the name being a portmanteau of the words “rendition” and “architecture”. The logo here appears to be the shape of a cube that is being looked at from an isometric perspective. This means that not only do we get to see three sides of the cube at once, but we also get to see the insides of it.
The cube itself resembles one of those spatial puzzles, and we can even see how each of the individual pieces fit together. From the outside, this cube may look a bit plain, but only when we peek inside do we see how complex the shape actually is. Moreover, clear black lines on a white background provide plenty of contrast and emphasizes simplicity, which are the two qualities any customer would want from a visualization studio.
How to get an architecture logo
When designing an architecture logo, you should take a look at all the different types of buildings and architectural structures around you for style inspiration. For example, Gothic building designs involve biblical imagery and stained glass to impress the onlookers. It’s a definite visual style that can give you plenty of ideas when creating your very own company logo.
Once you have decided on a style, be sure to stick with it to maintain a strong visual identity. Go with shapes, symbols, colors, and font types that represent your company’s mission, vision, and values.
On the other hand, you should also try to find the right balance between overloading your logo with too many visuals and having a completely boring design.Simplicity will always be key, yet this doesn’t mean that you have to create a bland logo design. Especially so when it comes to architecture logos, there will be so much for you to play around with. Take your architecture logo ideas and use them to create an art piece that will serve as a statement piece for the company.
If you are an experienced graphic designer, you can choose to design the logo yourself. However, if you are not, the best choice would be to invest in a designer who will be able to help you out. After all, having someone who is skilled and experienced in graphic design will bring about the best logo design results for your company.
At DesignBro, we have a team of design experts who will be able to translate all your needs into a beautiful logo. To find out how you can get started with our architecture logo design service, feel free to contact us here.

Besides having grown up in the design Industry, Christiaan has advised some of the world’s largest companies on their branding & packaging designs. Has been the resident judge for design awards, and has spoken at numerous global design & marketing events. Christiaan founded the London office of the award-winning Cartils agency, and has founded the DesignBro.com platform.